Rose Quartz, the stone of love, not only love for others but love for thyself which is the most important.
Pink Rose Quartz is the most important crystal of the heart and the Heart Chakra teaching the true essence of love, and purifying and opening the heart at all levels. [Hall, 235]
The Heart Chakra is located near the centre of the breastbone & regulates our interaction with the external world & controls what we embrace & what we resist.
It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within the environment, & helps us in understanding our own needs & emotions clearly.
We can deal with the ebbs & flows of emotional relationships, understand their cyclic nature, & accept the changes.
Rose Quartz also balances the ying yang energy, & can bring all the other chakras into harmony & unity with the Heart.
With the power of its light red rays, Rose Quartz gently stimulates the Base Chakra to help rejuvenate the physical body.
Price is for 1 Crystal chosen at random